Newspaper articles

Survivalist ready for all
SURVIVALISTS READY FOR ANYTHING Often summarized as bunkers, stockpiles of canned goods, heavily armed individuals, and fears of the end of the world,

Ready to do whatever it takes to survive in the event of a disaster.
Quebec survivalists believe that the population should be self-sufficient for a few days in case of an outage. Too many Quebecers are not prepared to do so.

Living according to one's beliefs.
EMMANUELLE PLANTE Television these days allows us to discover people who have chosen to live according to their convictions. While they sometimes attract attention

Survivalists' lifestyle: "it's a comfort insurance"
Frédérique Giguère Thursday, April 9, 2020 01:00 As the number of people infected with the coronavirus continues to rise and some fear that

Survivalists | Ready for All
Wednesday, February 19 at 7:30 PM, MOI ET CIE (Start) Marie-Hélène Goulet How many days could you survive at home in the middle of winter if

Survivalism: Increasingly Present on Our Screens
According to Public Safety Canada, all citizens should be able to "survive" (or fend for themselves) for 72 hours. Why 72