Living according to one's beliefs.


Television these days allows us to discover people who have chosen to live according to their convictions. While they sometimes attract attention and prejudice, they have managed to create a comfortable universe that makes them happy and from which we can learn some lessons.  



Benoît is a survivalist and autonomist. He defends himself from leading an unconventional life since his daily routine is as normal and orderly as can be.       

The businessman and company president lives on the North Shore. On weekends, he continues to maintain his refuge, a beautiful cottage by the water that would allow him to live well in case of a disaster. This is where Patrice Godin and the team from the series "Survivalistes" met him. Survivalism is not his way of life (unlike others), but one thing is certain, he is the most prepared and best organized citizen in case of a major unforeseen event.     

"You never know what can happen. Today [the interview took place about ten days ago], there's the train blockade. Propane isn't being delivered, nor are the disinfectants that allow cities to provide drinking water. Large stores are starting to run out of goods, farmers are worried. There's the coronavirus that's becoming a pandemic. People are quarantined in China, in Italy. There was an ice storm in Newfoundland, floods in Sainte-Marthe. Are people prepared for these situations? No. When it's you it affects, you're in crisis, in survival mode. Me, I'm never nervous."     

Benoît can easily live up to a year and a half with his family in extreme situations. He will be able to live safely, stay warm, hydrate, eat, and defend himself. "Quebec's civil security tells us to have a food reserve for 72 hours. That's a joke. Can we rely on our governments in case of a disruption of normality? Yes, but under what conditions? If you want to wait hours for drinking water, if you want to sleep with 30,000 people in a stadium. I prefer to be autonomous."     

Survival Instinct  

Benoît's survival instinct was acquired very early on. At 12 years old, he already knew how to hunt, trap, and shoot a bow. He devoured books by Paul Provencher. "The Trapper's Guide" triggered something in him. A father at 16, he had to work to support his family. In the year 2000, he was the victim of a fire. An event that changed his life. Today, he has his own garden, rabbits, chickens, a spring, and a sugar shack.     

By participating in the series, Benoît hopes to raise awareness among people to prepare as he has been doing for 40 years. "I'm not panicking, but it's important to inform people. If I can convince 1,000 people, that's 1,000 people who will suffer less." He regrets the misunderstanding of some people who distort information or ridicule the approach. "More than three and a half million Americans are survivalists. Bill Gates is one. He owns luxury underground bunkers. Like many rich people, like the people who govern us. The military, the police, firefighters, they're all survivalists. There's no reason to laugh at those who are prepared."

**All translations are made from the original article written in French.      

Les survivalistes Mercredi 19 h 30 à MOI ET CIE  

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